Manshiet El Sadr

Manshiet El Sadr
ِAin Shams university
Ain Shams University is the third oldest Egyptian university. It was founded in July 1950 under the name Ibrahim Pasha University. It participated with Cairo University (formerly, Fouad I University) and Alexandria University (formerly, Farouk I University) in fulfilling the mission of Egyptian universities.

Saffron Palace
The construction of this magnificent palace dates back to the year 1870, specifically in the era of Khedive Ismail. historical references stated that the palace construction was on the ruins of the “Palace of Stones,” which was built by Muhammad Ali, the founder of the modern Egyptian state. Experts in the antiquities of Muhammad Ali’s family point out that Ismail entrusted an engineer named “ Maghribi Bey Saad” designed this palace and supervised its construction, and he stipulated that he build the palace similar to the Palace of Versailles in France, in which the Khedive had spent his education. The Saffron Palace overlooks the Abbasiya neighborhood from four facades covered with windows and balconies with semicircular arches, and stucco decorations in the form of plant branches and flower wreaths, very simple and delicate. The design of the palace included the arts of copper, gold, and colored glass, as well as its ceilings colored in the colors of the sky. Khedive Ismail had asked for the initials of his name to be engraved, and his own crown was formed on the palace’s iron gate and the entrances to the halls and rooms. However, in 1872, he gave the palace to his sick mother, Khushiar Hanim, to stay in it during the period of recovery from a terminal illness that afflicted her, as the doctors advised her to get fresh air. It is said that Ismail then ordered the planting of a lush garden around the palace, which was entirely planted with fronds.