
National Arts Theatre
The Egyptian National Theatre is one of Cairo’s theatres. It is located in the Azbakeya area and was established by order of Khedive Ismail in 1869. The National Theatre has been considered one of the Egyptian cultural landmarks since it began its activity in the 1950s and presented the masterpieces of international theatre. Then it was reopened in 1986.

Al-Azhar Park
It is located on an area of 80 acres that was used in the past as a garbage and waste dump for more than a thousand years. The project was announced in 1984 and opened to visitors in 2005. Its construction took more than 7 years at a total cost of more than 100 million pounds borne by the Aga Khan Foundation for Islamic Architecture.

Al-Azhar Al-Sharif Mosque
Al-Azhar Al-Sharif is an Islamic scientific body and the largest religious institution in Egypt. Its main headquarters is located in the Al-Azhar Sheikhdom building in the center of the Egyptian capital, Cairo. The establishment of Al-Azhar Mosque dates back to the year 972 by the Fatimid Caliph Al-Muizz li-Din Allah. It is considered the third oldest university in the world after the Al-Zaytouna and Al-Qarawiyyin Universities.

Al Hussein Mosque
The mosque was built during the era of the Fatimids in the year 549 AH, corresponding to the year 1154 AD, under the supervision of the Minister Al-Saleh Tala’i. The mosque includes 3 doors built of white marble overlooking Khan Al-Khalili, and another door next to the dome and is known as the Green Door. The mosque was given this name based on accounts by some Egyptian historians of the presence of the head of Hussein bin Ali buried there

He was given this name because Al-Mu'izz li-Din Allah took over the Fatimid Caliphate, succeeding his father Al-Mansur Abu Tahir Ismail, the third caliph in the list of Fatimid caliphs. Al-Mu'izz was an educated man, fluent in several languages, fond of sciences and literature, experienced in managing state affairs, and a shrewd person who enjoyed the respect and appreciation of statesmen.